Sphynx Cat Breeder in Texas
- (830) 203-0469
- Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM

The Sphynx breed was discovered in Toronto, Canada in 1966 born to a domestic cat with a regular coat. The hairlessness resulted from a natural mutation and wasn’t the first example of hairlessness in cats.
The Canadian Sphynx and other hairless cats include the Devon Rex and the American Shorthair cats are among the breeds that played a role in the development of the Sphynx breed.
Sphynx are a registered breed by both TICA (The International Cat Association) and CFA (Cat Fancier Association). Sphynx owners proudly show their Sphynx in cat shows all over the world.
Sphynx cats are friendly, loving, and energetic show-offs who crave human attention. Sphynx cats are acrobatic clowns who love to entertain and delight their humans. Their regal looks and serious expression may fool some humans but, they are often referred to as “monkey, dog, cats.” They will follow you around the house and greet guests like a puppy. They enjoy playing on a cat tree, jumping in the air and climbing on their human’s shoulders like a monkey. They are a loyal breed who will often be found in their owner’s lap or perched on their owner’s shoulders. They are energetic with fun and crazy personalities. They enjoy families, children and single owners.
What they lack in fur, they make up in personality. If you are looking for a fun and affectionate pet, look no further.
In 2005 the first litter of Bambino’s were registered and are quickly growing in popularity because of their funny personalities. Bambinos are a hybrid breed between the Sphynx (hairless) and the Munchkin (short-legs).
The word Bambino means ‘baby’ in Italian, and this breed has been so-called because of its short legs and lack of fur. The International Cat Association has recognized the Bambino as an experimental breed.
The breed is known to have many of the characteristics of the Sphynx and the Munchkin. Along with their unique appearance, they appeal to some people because they tend to be very affectionate and characterful cats.
They are known for being very playful and love to be surrounded by company. They are not a cat that would be suited to being left for long periods regularly. They can also suit homes with gentle children and other animals, as they are very sociable and friendly.
Despite their shorter legs, Bambinos are known for being energetic and surprisingly agile. You will need to make sure that you have plenty of toys and other forms of kitty enrichment around the home. This will help to keep them entertained and prevent problem behaviors developing as a result of boredom.
Their shorter legs could tire more easily though, and they will not be able to jump as high or as far as a cat with long legs.
In 2004 Kristen Leedom and Karen Nelson of Falmari began working toward creating a new hybrid rare breed, the Elf. The Elf breed benefitted from gaining the genetic diversity of the American Curl and the Highlander through both being chosen for those amazing curled ears.
Elves are accepted as a registered breed and many breeder and owners show their elves in TICA (The International Cat Association) shows.
The Elf is that of the Sphynx with only a modification for the Elf’s curled ears. The standard Elf appears to be a hairless cat, although it is not truly hairless. The skin should have the texture of chamois; it may be covered with very fine down which is almost imperceptible to both the eye and the touch. On the ears, muzzle, tail, feet and scrotum, short, soft, fine hair is often found. The Elves ears are large and open and curve back in an arc to the curled tips. The Elf is sweet-tempered, lively and intelligent and above all else loves to cuddle. Elf cats often make a purring sound that sounds like a bird chirping.
Elf cats were bred to retain the best qualities of their parent breeds. Elves are intelligent, friendly, social, outgoing and very affectionate; they’re lively and active but gentle at the same time. Elf cats will thrive on human attention and love. They are loyal and will often be found by your side or on your lap. They do, however, have a mischievous side. They love to climb and play with anything within their reach. Lots of toys are a must if you have an Elf cat. They also love high spots, so make sure you provide your cat with a few high shelves or other high located areas. Elf cats can adapt to almost any home situation easily. They also adjust to other animals remarkably well. However, it’s not recommended to leave your cat alone all day long. If you have no choice, consider getting a companion for your Elf cat.
There is a new Sphynx that is very difficult to find because there are very few reputable breeders. Dwelves are a highbred breed which combines the genetic traits of the Sphynx, Munchkin and American Curl. Dwelves must be carefully bred due to the combination of the three genetic traits. Furless Felines reviews the genetic components, personality, health and bone structure to create a healthy interactive Dwelf. Dwelves are registered with TICA as an experimental breed.
Dwelves are hairless but can have short downy hair all over the body, so when you pet this kitty, he could feel a lot like suede. The whiskers, as well as the eyebrows, might be short or totally absent. Since these cats are hairless, you will notice their wrinkles, which are most obvious on their legs and shoulders. You might even note short, fine hair on the bridge of the cat’s nose, on the tail and feet, on the back, or on the edges of the ears.
Dwelf cats make wonderful feline companions. They are described as being highly social and interactive, and their personality can even be described as dog-like. Dwelves are a great choice for families who have plenty of time to devote to their furless friends.
Another distinctive feature is the Dwelf’s curled ears, which curve towards each other. They are also rounded and large. And, like other dwarf feline breeds, the Dwelf will also have short legs and a long body, thanks to the Munchkin that helped create this breed. However, you will also notice that the hind legs will be a bit longer than the front legs, giving it a low-lying appearance.
Dwelf cats are intelligent, so they do require mental stimulation. Even as an adult, the Dwelf will remain small, with some cats weighing in at around half the size of a normal sized breed and having a kitten-like body. The neck and legs are described as muscular, the abdomen is rounded, and the feet are large, oval, and feature prominent knuckles. The tail is long and slender, and there might even be some hair on the tip, which is pointed. The head is longer than it is wide, the cheekbones are prominent, and the skull is rounded. Also, the eyes are almond shaped and large, as well as a bit slanted, while the muzzle is short and strong.
Dwelves are known to get into shenanigans because they have higher than average energy and love to play. Dwelves are curious and very entertaining to watch.